Saturday 18 January 2014

Marvelous Collection of Bharatanatyam Temple Jewellery

The Temple jewelry used in Bharatanatyam and kuchipudi dance and some other Indian popular classical dances. There are different types of jewelry temple. The authentic and expensive is made in the southern part of India by Artisans who's family is doing this for centuries. We also have imitation temple jewelry which is less expensive than real temple jewellery. This material is very light, strong and easy to handle. Kuchipudi and Kathak dancers wear some jewelry for their temple dance too. Please visit us for all your needs of traditional Indian temple jewelry.



  1. hi is the item still available. could u pls send ur catalogues with pricing to we are having a retail shop here in singapore and would like to purchase your items for my shop ty

  2. Thanks for Response. We "bharatanatyamworld" contact you as soon as.

    Let me know if you have any issue such as you have not received mail from us
